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Giving back to our community—How robotic solutions are providing a safer, more innovative clean to schools.

Published by the Get Clean team on January 19, 2021. Video Segment originally featured on Channel 5 NBCDFW for a ‘Carter in the Classroom’ segment.

As the first janitorial company to successfully introduce autonomous robotic solutions into everyday operations, we take pride in our roles as leaders of innovation and stewards of our community. Providing cutting-edge solutions that increase the safety and quality of service to our clients is what inspires our team to constantly seek out and evaluate new technologies for our business to better protect the communities we serve and empower our own workforce.

In effort to give back to our community, we’ve leveraged our expertise in both robotics solutions and janitorial service to donate and facilitate the deployment of an autonomous floor scrubbing robot into a K-12 school in Plano, Texas. As part of the robot donation our team trained both the staff and students on how to properly code and use the robot— teaching them not just the basics on how to operate the machine but providing some tips and tricks to get the most out of each use.

A Commitment to STEAM and Clean

By deploying an autonomous robot into their facility, the school has been able to further demonstrate their commitment to STEAM education and technology while also enhancing their commitment to clean, something more important than ever with schools trying to keep their doors open amidst the health crisis. Autonomous robots are able to work alongside the custodial team by handling high-volume cleaning tasks like scrubbing gym-floors while the employees can focus on touch point disinfection and sanitization. Refocusing the team to spend the majority of their time on tasks that require the application of precise human touch reduces the likelihood of disease transmission throughout the school and increases overall safety. Plus, it’s exciting for staff and students to see a robot pass through the halls without any human manipulation. The future really is here!

Alongside the machine’s ability to safely navigate and clean autonomously, it utilizes the artificial intelligence system, BrainOS, to create maps of the square footage cleaned to provide facility managers insights into proof of clean and area coverage. To this day, Get Clean Services has cleaned over 3.5 billion square feet with robotics across a variety of facility types giving us the ability to confirm the work has been done with automated reports produced by the machine. This collaborative approach of using robotics to empower our employees gives them the opportunity to enhance their own skills and focus on what they do best. Not only are they janitors, they are robot operators, and have the expertise to provide operational insights to our clients in the field.

Looking ahead

With over three years of experience integrating robotics solutions into facility maintenance operations, our team continues to lead the way in innovation throughout the janitorial industry. Working together with our technology partners we continue to provide our experiences to developers to better the solutions and finely tune them to our client’s specific needs.

We’re excited to have the opportunity to demonstrate our expertise in robotics while also giving back to the community we proudly serve. To see the donated robot in action, take a look at the video below which was originally featured on Channel 5 NBCDFW for a ‘Carter in the Classroom’ segment.


Originally featured on Channel 5 NBCDFW for a ‘Carter in the Classroom’ segment.

Thomas Supplier